Friday, March 4, 2011

Up and Down, Up and Down...

I'm not sure how to start this off at all....I've been really really really bad...

The best way of putting it is that, I just stopped caring for a few weeks. I stopped caring about the progress I made, stopped caring about what I was going to do or eat, stopped caring about myself period. Not a very good way to be.

So I was off my JC in the worst way possible, I mean I was eating out almost everyday. Oddly I still kept thinking that tomorrow I would stop and eat what I was supposed to, the next day though I would give into a craving and continue to eat bad for the rest of the day. I been having good days and bad days, going up and down.

I not going to quit though. That I'm adamant about, I don't want to quit and start the climb back up to a place where I'm not me anymore, I'm someone else. So some positives, still went to JC on Monday (but had a 5lb gain >.< ), joined a gym yesterday, and have been eating my JC food again. Also I changed the JCC the I see, I never really connected with my old JCC, she was much older then I was. My new JCC is closer to my age and is very supportive. Hmmm I can't think of anything else I would like to say.

I'll update again soon, and this time have more good news to report~

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Awesome Week and New Toy

So I had an awesome weigh-in on Monday, lost 5lbs. I haven't lost so much since my first week, but after I take into account what I gained when I was a little naughty...I still lost 2.4lbs! So I finally feel like I'm back on track. As an added bonus I broke outta the 210s, and I'm sitting at 209.4lbs right now.
Also on Monday my BodyMedia Fit arrived, got home, let it charge, and found out I'm having some tech problems...I seem to have an issue with getting it to work, been at it for two days and not getting anywhere. I've sent an email and got a not very helpful response. So I'm still trying to tinker with stuff and see if I can get it going. Going to try on my bros laptop and see if that works better.

Other wise not much going on, trying to set a new daily routine up to include more exercise. I seem to have lots of energy now so I'm trying to add new dvd's and I want to start going to a yoga class.

Hmm I`ll end it here. Ciao!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting Back on Track

So I need to explain the horrid time I've been having. Starting with work... My new shift at work is earlier then before but only by one hour. Let me tell you though that one hour is making a huge difference, I'm having a lot of trouble getting up sometimes. After I did my test for re certification I had to wait 3 weeks to find out if I passed or failed. I passed but it was a stress I didn't need that was always in the back of my mind. After Christmas (which went very well, everyone had a great time) I got the flu. This flu stayed with me for a good 2 weeks and I still don't feel 100%.

During this time I stopped eating my JC food and didn't go to my meetings. I know, I was bad. To get back on track I went today and happily only gained 1.8lbs. My JCC also did measurements and I'm down 2 inches. So I'm back on board, got my food and signed up for the new metabolic max program. I can't wait till I get it, my JCC said it's going to take 3 weeks for it to come in though *sigh*. Also I went on the website for the first time in ages and found out that Carrie Fisher(omg I'm a huge Star Wars fan) is the new celebrity spokesperson for JC, she's just starting and set a goal to lose 30lbs.

In other news I did a lot of reading while I was sick, the down side is I have books on every available surface in my room haha (I got a Chapters gift card for Xmas). I read all the books in the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris so far (there's another one coming out in May this year I think), and I was surprised by how much I loved them...Ever since Twilight I've been kinda put off vampire books. Another series I started on is called the Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger (the books are titled Soulless, Changeless, Blameless) it's more in the steampunk sub genre but a very good read. Also started on The Ghost Hunter series by Victoria Lauri, I love stuff that has to do with ghost and paranormal stuff (I get scared easily but still love it). All these books however have helped me make up my mind about getting an e-reader. I don't have the space for more books and since I read so fast I'm always buying some. A friend from work was also kind enough to give me a cd with a few ebooks already loaded on it. I've decided which model and make e-reader I want (Sony Daily Edition) now to save up for it. 

Thanks all for letting me get this off my chest, ttyl!

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