Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holiday Bustle

I normally love the holidays. I`m never the kinda person who gets flustered, or moody over all the stuff that happens around this time of year. This year though, I can`t seem to handle it. It feels like so much is going on in such a short time frame. Lots of changes at work(new shift and a re-certification I have to do) plus trying to get presents done(not even close there) and then the parties/get togethers. Add to it that this year I'm on JC and trying to lose weight....

So because of the new change of shift at work, I changed my appointments at JC from Wednesdays to Mondays. Yesterday after weigh-in I had lost 1.8lbs. I also hit 20lbs lost and my weight now 211.8lbs is 25% from my goal weight. I decided to get rewards for myself for every 25% I lose. Since I have a party to go to soon, and I need a nice top, I`m planing on spending a little extra then I normally do on clothes. I`ll also be very honest, recently I have lost my drive on the whole weight loss thing. Don`t get me wrong I`m NOT quitting, but the urges to be bad and just eat whatever are getting worse. So far I`m still doing ok, and I`m still determined not to give up. I can totally feel the changes in my body(I swear I felt my hip bone today haha) and see it in my clothes. I know I`m just losing that first high, and I need to introduce some new things to keep me motivated. Maybe I need to look into joining some kinda fitness class.

My book addiction has been helping me through the stress though haha. Just finished reading three books of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward. I`m so in love with the series, as soon as I can I`m getting the rest of the books. If your a paranormal romance fan these books are a must read. I`m going to end this here, my younger brother wants to go shopping now *sigh*.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Late Update

So sorry that this is late. I've been meaning to post my weigh-in results, but been getting sidetracked. So for my weigh-in on Wednesday the 24th, I lost 1.8 pounds and I'm now at 213.6!

In all honesty the numbers don't really make me feel that great. I keep wishing the number was smaller...I think I'm just wanting to get out of the 200s fast. I'm almost there but I sometimes have to remind myself to take it one week at a time. BUT there is something that makes me feel pretty happy daily. My clothes are all so loose! I've been wearing things that stopped fitting before and now fit perfect. I had to buy a new winter coat because mine looked like I was drowning in it. I love it, I would not have bought it before( it cinches at the waist, so would not have looked good)but now I feel like my body shape is starting to come out! I absolutely love my coat, it looks so cute paired with my mitts, scarf and tuque.

I've still been doing my 100 days lessons, but I'm only going to post things that really hit home. A lot of the lessons are stuff you've heard before. Most of the exercises are stuff you need to practice doing and not so much about writing. I also want to make a post about the three books I recently finished, and the new ones I really want to get. Look forward to it!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Chapters 14, 15, and 16

Not too much to say today. Need to get to sleep soon, so I'll try and keep this short.

Chapter 14 is titled Morning Effects Evening, basically the whole don't skip breakfast deal. When you skip breakfast you tend to 'crash' later on, this also causes a lot of people to munch all afternoon and after dinner. So eat your breakfast kids.

Chapter 15 is called First Two Bites. When you eat food for flavor only, the first two bites taste the best/have the most flavor. After your just eating for the sake of eating. A good habit to get into is to have your first two bites, savor them, and then decided if you really need to eat the rest. Chances are you already got what you needed from those two bites.

Finally Chapter 16 is called Nurturing Power of Food. It's more or less the same as the last chapter. This time it says that the comfort you get from food you usually get from the first two bites. They had a good example in the book about when to stop eating. Ever come home and started eating something (like a tub of ice-cream) and just kept eating it hoping to get that comfort feeling? You keep thinking the next bite with be it, you'll feel better and then you'll stop. Except that it never happens, you end up feeling worse. If the first two bites don't make you feel good then you don't need this food.

The exercises were mostly about the practice of eating and then stopping, and having breakfast lol. Okay time for bed, got work early in the morning... and we might get snow tonight!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quick Update for Weigh-in 9

Hey everyone, this is going to be quick. I did go for my weigh-in yesterday and lost 1.0lb. Been really busy with work and both my brothers birthdays are coming up in the next week. I've still been reading 100 Days, but not had a chance to post my thoughts on the last two chapters I did. Promise to do it tomorrow. Ciao!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Days 11, 12, and 13

I've been really busy the last three days. I have been reading my chapters but didn't have time to write anything about them. I personally don't have much to say regarding each chapter either, so I'm going to do one post for them all.

Chapter 11 is called Two Purposes of Food. Basically stating that food should either be eaten for fuel or to appreciate flavors. If your not eating for fuel or tasting the flavor, your most likely emotional eating. When I think back to my old eating habits, every time I was emotional eating I didn't care what it was as long as I could get it fast.

Chapter 12 is called Fuel or Filler. Talks about the fuel you put in your body and how you need quality fuel. Quality fuel gives your body the nutrients it needs. Filler is something that adds calories but not much else.

Chapter 13 is called Oops I Forgot to Eat. A lot of people (I was one of them) think if you skip meals you lose weight. Another belief is if you don't eat all day you can over eat at dinner and it still works out to be the same. Well it doesn't, your body thinks it's starving and starts to hold on to fat to be used later. You may eat the same amount of calories but you need to space out your meals to keep your metabolism up.

The exercises for all three were similar, to write down what you ate and when. Since all my meals are planned out on JC, I skipped them. Got my weight-in tomorrow, so gotta get my menu all set. Ciao for now.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 10 Appreciate Good Support

Guess what the chapter today is about?? Yep more support talk. The topic today however talks about responding to compliments and not asking questions that put people in a tight spot.

Responding to compliments sounds straight forward, but after reading this I learned what I was saying isn't the best way to answer.  When someone compliments you on your weight loss do you say something like..."Thanks, but I still have a lot to lose." I used to say that. What your actually doing is minimizing their compliments so it doesn't mean much. This does two things. First your putting yourself down by not acknowledging your own efforts. Second your making the other persons effort to support you seem like it doesn't matter. Next time someone gives you a compliment just say thanks, and tell them you appreciate them noticing.

Something else you shouldn't do, is avoid asking those close to you questions that are tricky. For example "Does this dress make me look fat?" Either answer could get your support team in trouble (say yes and it's discouraging, say no and their lying) and you don't want to lose your support.

Not really an exercise to do today. Your asked to get someone to give you a compliment, then reply in a positive way. In your book(or blog/diary) write down your favorite responses. I'm going to skip this one, a little late in the night to be asking people for compliments haha.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 9 Heres What I Want

Today we are still talking about getting the support of those around us. There's a quiz inside you need to fill out and then go and share it with your support buddy. It gives you a better idea of what exactly you want from people and shows them how best to help you. After your done the quiz record your answers. So here's mine~

1.If you see me eating something that's not on my diet plan...
-Ask me if I had a bad day.

2.When I'm making progress such as losing weight...
-Compliment me on how I look.

3.When I'm struggling or gaining weight...
-Ask me how you can help.

4.When I'm making progress you can't see(ex self-esteem)
-Ask me how my efforts are going.

5.When I've maintained my weight, even if I want to lose more...
-Tell me you are proud of my current efforts.

Sleepy time, got work in the morning

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 8, Help Me Please

The chapter today talks about your support group. For me personally, I have an okay support system. My mom always says the right things but she also always offers me food off my plan. It's so tempting because I know she won't scold me for giving in, she'll just shrug it off. Other then that I don't really have anyone else encouraging me. I have two younger brothers who don't have weight issues, and we have a more joking, poking fun of relationship. Most of my friends are the same. I've also been selective about who I tell so some friends don't even know. Your supposed to write down a list of things that are okay for people to say or do to support you and a list of things you don't want people to say or do. After your done you're supposed to share your list with your support group so they know how best to cheer you on, and what to avoid doing to hurt your feelings.

For me personally, I don't want to write a list of what I want to hear. I would rather get feedback and advise from someone in their own words and that convey their thoughts. I understand this is meant to help people cheer and support you better. Personally I would feel they meant it more knowing that I didn't tell them what to say.

As for what not to say or do....I think I need to talk to my mom and tell her to stop offering me food, and explain why. I know she means well, she tells me she feels like I miss out sometimes. Still it could mess me up and I'm afraid it might start a binge.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 7 I Can Do It!

This is a motivational topic mostly. Maybe I'm just not in the mood, but I'm having a hard time getting into it. With phrases like 'become your own cheerleader' and 'inspire yourself' its mostly all about keeping your spirit up. It asks you to tell yourself "I can do it" 10 times a day. The exercise is to write down 'I can do it because...' and fill in the rest.

I can do it because I care about my health and wellbeing.
I can do it because I am determined to achieve my goal.
I can do it because of all the benefits being healthy and fit will give me.
I can do it because I'm worthy of being happy and enjoying my life.

Weigh-in 8 Plus Measurements

So just updating my results toady. Lost 1.8 lbs and lost 4 inches total! Final numbers after two months on JC are 16.1lbs lost, current weight at 216.4lbs, and 18.4 inches gone. I'm pretty happy with the results, I feel like I could have done better though. I might need to add to my exercise routine, I think I could have lost more inches. JC measures your bust, abdomen, waist, and hips. So total lost is everything that I lost in all areas.

It's getting colder and I need to get some warmer clothes to wear when I go for walks. Thing is I don't want to buy any clothes until I really have too... Maybe I'll borrow something from my brothers. Next post will be about day 7 from 100 Days.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 6 Protect Your Plan

I know from personal experience from my other diet attempts that what other people say sometimes has too big of an effect on if you stick with it or not. The first line in the chapter really struck me, it goes "No one will ever care as much about your diet plan as you." It's so true. So why do we let other outside people advise us on it?

In the past when I start a diet I always tell everyone around me. I lose about 10lbs and when people ask, I just go ahead and tell them everything. From what diet it is, to what I eat, to how much I exercise... I understand why I do this. If I knew someone who was trying to lose weight I would cheer for them and want to know so maybe I could also benefit from this diet. Not all people are like that though. Some people (mostly coworkers and friends) try telling you to save your money and then act like your new nutritionist or personal trainer. Most people who say this are people who've only ever needed to lose a small amount of weight, so it works for them. If they don't try to give you some advise then they try to encourage you to 'cheat' every now and again.

This chapter has some useful phrases to use if people are getting pushy. If you have someone who's trying to make you eat something, sidestep the situation with this phrase "Not just yet; I'm going to wait a little while." This way you don't offend anyone by outright refusing the food and that person should leave you alone for a while. If your asked again, use the same phrase or a variation like "Thanks, but I'll still wait a little bit." In a social setting it's hard to monitor someone the whole night, so they shouldn't be able to tell what you've been eating the entire time.

Another useful thing to know is what to tell people when they do ask about your weight loss. The book recommends avoiding the topic and not telling anyone your on a diet. It says to just say your following a healthy eating program. I personally have done this. The only people that know I'm on JC is my family. My coworkers have noticed my eating habits have changed. When asked I just say I'm trying to eat healthy and most people don't ask anything after that. As mentioned before, a friend from work did notice I have lost weight. She asked me "Have you lost weight?" I replied "Yeah I have." She said she noticed my face looking thinner, and I thanked her for noticing. Beyond that I didn't tell her anything else, and she didn't ask.

The exercise today is to write down at least three situations you might need to defend your plan and what you'll do. I've kinda already done this with the above paragraphs, so I'm going to skip writing more down.

I'm going for weigh in tomorrow and measurements. I'm mostly excited because I know I did really good this week.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 5 Magic Notebook

On the days I work, I wait till I come home before reading the chapter of the day. Other wise I like to read it first thing in the morning. When I work I have to get up really early (like 3am) so I sometimes don't have time to do anything other then get up and go. I was pleasantly surprised to read the topic when I got home, and discovered it was exactly what I needed today.

Besides just keeping a notebook (or blog) to record how you feel or what's happening, a lot of sources say you should write down what your craving. If you start to crave something you should write it down, and it helps by taking it out of your mind. The exercise is to write down whatever your craving (if you are) and plan out when you'll have it and how often. Then try to stretch the times between you go and eat this food.

So as it happened today.... I had to pick my mom up from work, which I usually don't. While driving a radio commercial for Subway came on. I love Subway! For the rest of the time I kept thinking about wanting a sub.  Now that I'm home I'm not really craving it, but still thought the lesson of the day was oddly appropriate.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 4 Boundaries Not Diets

A interesting visual exercise today. I've heard a lot of people avoid using the word 'diet' as most people link it to something bad. Diets mean you need to follow them exactly to a 'Tee' and if you don't then you might as well throw all caution into the wind and stop. Instead of thinking you have to follow a straight line from start to finish, think of a road. A road that has boundaries. These boundaries either narrow the road or widen it depending on what life throws your way. Even on a really bad day you should never go off the road completely. ( I really like this visual it helps me to deal with little bumps)

The exercise today is to make two columns, one called the narrow road and the other called the wider road. In each column write down eating and exercise plans.

Narrow Road- Follow the JC eating plan exactly. Do all my exercises. Read and do a daily exercise from 100 Days.

Wider Road- Use my limited free items if I still need more food for the day(or just a treat). Do at least one exercise. Read from 100 Days

Can't think of anything else right now. I did get a compliment from a friend of mine from work today. She happened to notice that I've lost some weight. Made my day!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 3 Do it Anyway

Pretty straight forward exercise today. Your supposed to make a list of things your going to do today, no matter how you feel. This also builds on the interested vs committed topic of yesterday. I'm kinda having a hard time thinking of ideas though. Besides eating on plan and doing my exercises, can't think of anything else really.

Something that happened to make me really happy today. I was trying to find a certain shirt to wear but couldn't find it. I was looking through my closet and saw a shirt I bought 4 months ago that didn't fit at all (was really tight and there was no way to pass it off). I don't know why, but I had this urge to try it on and 'see' my progress. Well it now fits perfectly, I can sit down and everything without it stretching at the buttons. I came down wearing the shirt and even my mom mentioned that it fits now. Happy day! Nothing like seeing results.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 2 Interested or Committed?

Day 2 talks about the differences of being interested in losing weight and being committed to lose weight. While you start off a diet feeling like you really will do it this time, you end up 'failing' because something comes up (parties, social events, life). That's being interested. Your interested until something else comes up and then you lose interest so you stop. Being committed means that no matter what you are sticking with your plan. So for today your supposed to write down how you plan on being committed no matter what.

No matter what I will eat only the foods I'm supposed to and not add extras.
No matter what I will not give into peer pressure in a social environment and eat what everyone else is eatting.
No matter what I will go for my exercises even if I'm tired.
No matter what I will not give up if I do mess up and go off plan.

I kinda cheated today by checking the scale. I try not to check too much otherwise I become obsessed with it. However it looks like I'm down so I feel really motivated.  :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 1 I Used to be That Way...

Feel free to join me and do this along with me! So before you even start Day 1 of your new 100 Days challenge, your supposed to write down at least 10 reasons you want to lose weight and maintain your success.

 1. I want to look in the mirror and for once say "Yes that's me".
 2. I want to buy girly clothes that show off your figure.
 3. I want to feel energized and not always tired.
 4. I want to feel more confident.
 5. I want to boost my self esteem.
 6. I want to enjoy clothes shopping again.
 7. I want to enjoy social events without worrying if everyone is just thinking how big I look.
 8. I want to prove to everyone that I am worth it.
 9. I want to enjoy having pictures taken.
 10. I just really want to stop letting food control so much of my life.
This is why I'm doing the 100 Days challenge and I'm absolutely sticking to it!

So first days activity is to write down some negative behaviors or fears that have hurt past weight loss efforts... Thinking if I can't follow the plan 100% then I might as well quit all together. After not seeing dramatic results fast giving up. After cheating a little, going on a binge then not showing up for meetings because I'm too ashamed. Letting other peoples comments get to me.

Now you read each one out loud and then say "I used to be that way, now I'm different". Write them down in a new format ( I used to.....but now I....). And lets change what I wrote to look something like this..

I used to quit if I didn't follow the plan 100% but now I get back up and keep going.
I used to give up after not seeing results fast enough but now I have patience and understand things will change slowly.
I used to binge and then not own up but now I accept that I did wrong and learn from it.
I used to let other peoples comments influence my decisions but now I listen to myself and what my body tells me.

I feel good getting that out :)

Goodies for Me

So I got some goodies in the mail today. First off I got my bumper sticker from Saranna, it's very sexy and makes me happy when I see it.

I also got 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle which I ordered a few weeks ago. I'm going to be posting the journal activities here on my blog. The book can be read anyway you want but it's meant to be read one chapter a day (each chapter is only 2-3 pages long). There's little exercises you do for each chapter. This came at a good time since the holidays are almost upon us, and I was started to get worried (just a little).

A couple of other things I came across while surfing today...Kalayna Price updated her blog with the new cover for Grave Dance. This will be the second book in her Alex Craft series check it out here. I love it and can't wait for the new book, love the splash of green. Songs of Love and Death: All Original Tales of Star-Crossed Love is coming out this month, it's an anthology with two of my fav authors Jaqueline Carey and Neil Gaiman.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Little Bump

So I came back from my weigh-in today (#7) and had a little gain of 0.4lbs. Was a little disappointing but this is the first gain I've ever had, so I'm taking it in strides. I've had a hectic week, not enough sleep. I'm very particular about my sleep. I get super cranky if someone wakes me up rudely or if I'm startled awake. What ended up happening this week? I got a call Sunday night at 11pm by my little brothers friends, he had too much to drink and it ended up falling to big sister to get him. I still ended up going to work that day (which means getting up at 3am to get ready for work). Tuesday and Wednesday I ended up again having to drive little bro to work at 2am and 3am. So tired.....but he totally owes me now haha.

Not much going on besides the lack of sleep...Ohh wait, I did join a little challenge to lose 15lbs by New Years. Hopefully the goal will help with holiday temptations.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

I love Halloween, it's one of my favorite times of year. Although I won't be eating my fill of candy this year, I ended up indulging in a different way.

After I finished with the Nice Girls Don't series, I had this need to buy more books to fill up my spare time. The problem is whenever I have unread books around my free time seems to increase till all I do is read (I'm a big book worm, but embrace it). So I ended up going shopping on Thursday and bought two more books, along with some makeup and body shop items. That same day I decided to clean up my night table and book basket. Happily I added a few more books that were lying around unread (nothing bothers me more then not finishing a book or series...unless it's just that bad).

The books I ended up buying were The Grave Witch by Kalayna Price, and Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick. I've read them both already. Crescendo is the second book in a series about fallen angels and a romance between a 16yr old girl and her guardian angel. The story has some pretty cool twists. It's a YA book (Young Adults) and I tend not to like YA books too much (sometimes I cringe with all the teenage angst going on). Still I thought it was pretty good and can't wait for the third book called Tempest to come out next year. The Grave Witch was a fantastic book. It was very original in the types of magic and the overall 'world' the book is set in, a long with all the rules that follow. The characters were pretty solid and it's very open ended for a sequel or a series (I'm pretty sure there will be, but no official word). I'm a little in love with both the men in the heroines life, and that always gets me back for the next book.

The other books that I found lying around unread (don't judge), I decided I need to finish reading before I allow myself to buy anymore. I finished one called Walking Dead by C.E Murphy which is book 4 of The Walker Papers. I actually enjoy the series, but sometimes there's something that makes me want to put it down and forget it. This book I found to be really good, I think it was more the last one that kinda put me off a bit....Needless to say I got over it and finished this book and I'm planing to buy book 6 called Demon Hunts. I still have about 5 more books left to read from my 'temporary forgotten' pile.  Thinking back all those books were pretty appropriate for Halloween. Till next time *waves*

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Weigh-in Today, Plus Finished my Books.

Just finished week #6 today on JC. I ended up losing 2.4lbs this week, which means I'm down to 217.8lbs. (Pause for a small celebration). So I'm officially out of the 220s, yeah! Weight loss wise this was a strange week. I didn't really have any challenges, ate on plan, didn't really get all the exercise I wanted to, but I felt really 'ho hum' about it all. I can feel the difference, it feels like the fat is coming off evenly all over the place, which is very exciting. But I'm just not as excited as I was the last few weeks. I think this might have to do with other things, I was really not motivated to go to work all week (still went). Also I feel the need to go out and spend a ridiculous amount of money on things I don't really need. Hopefully I feel better for next week.

Some other and equally exciting news, my book order arrived way sooner then I thought it would. I placed the order on Tuesday last week and received it on Friday. Um also I already finished my books(all three of them) yesterday lol. Just to recap the books were from the Nice Girls Don't series by Molly Harper. I gotta say I really enjoyed them. Ever since the whole Twilight series(I read them all and then deeply regretted it, I will say that I was impressed by the first book but the others that followed just ruined it for me) I get suspicious around vampire books. The books have a sassy-smart mouthed-former librarian-recently turned vampire for a main character, and some interesting support characters with their own special kind of quirks. There's a lot of sarcasm and dry wit used, which I loved. The only thing that bothered me was at times I felt some more descriptions could have been used to ease transitions to new places or subject conversations. All in all I loved them and loved the characters and really hope that there might be some more books coming for this series. Now I just need to find something else to read while I wait for all the other books on my wish list to come out....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Moments of Zen

I'm having a moment......Not a bad one, a moment of zen.

Being on a diet or thinking a lot about nutrition and just eating right is pretty overwhelming. You constantly think about portion sizes, what you can eat vs. what you shouldn't eat? Even exercising becomes a hassle, how much should I do, how long should I do it for????


In the end I thought about it this way. If I maybe don't eat all the foods I'm supposed to( like miss a fruit serving), is it the end of the world? Nope. Will it really effect my over all efforts of losing weight and getting healthy? Nope. You can say the same about exercising. As long as your doing something it is beneficial to you. If you missed one day, it's ok. If you worked your butt off and then didn't lose a lot, it's ok.

I guess I'm just learning to let certain things go. This is not my first weight loss attempt. I've done at least two other programs(with little to no success) and gone it alone(with very little success). So whats different this time that makes me feel more optimistic? My mindset. I finally understand a lot of things about myself and how I see and deal with food. I have forgiven myself for past 'failures', so I'm not dwelling on them anymore. I also understand what I was doing that WAS my fault and caused a lot of my weight gain. Before I blamed a lot of my weight issues on genes, slow metabolism, and anything other then me. I can see now that I was eating all the wrong foods, in way too big portions, and getting no exercise. Then eating when I get stressed or bored or just because it was there. That math adds up to an unhealthy body and lifestyle. I'm here because of the choices I made.

One more thing I want to say. Sometimes I do wonder why any of this didn't click before, why I didn't try JC before, why I didn't do something sooner? Surprisingly I have an answer to all those questions. That's just the way it was. I'm doing something now, I understand now and that's all there is to it. See, pretty zen if you ask me.  :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5th Weigh-In, and New Books for Me.

So first a update on my weigh-in today. I wasn't expecting much of a loss today, I wasn't good with doing my exercises and its my 'special time'. Happily I still lost 1.4lbs and had a good talk with my JCC( Jenny Craig Consultant). We talked mostly about this realization I had earlier today. Before coming into the center I went to deposit a check at my bank, there is also a Subway right next to it. After I was done at the bank and got back into my car I ended up face to face with the Subway right in front of me. Now pre-diet I would have popped right in and got a footlong without even thinking about it because it was there. Today however I thought to myself "I could go in and get a sub, but I'm not really hungry and I don't really need it." That might not sound like a big deal, but it is! She was very proud of me for realizing this and told me I was doing good if my mindset is already like this.

On to book news! I placed an order online at Chapters for the Nice Girls Don't series(there's three books in total) written by Molly Harper. I can't wait to start reading again. Also I ordered 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle, according to everyone on the JC forums it's a very good read for helping aid weight loss. Should be receiving my books by the end of next week, hopefully.

One last bit of new's that makes me happy.

There's this.....book(sigh).

After reading the description I was hooked. I got all set to pre-order only to find out that it was no longer going to be published. I was upset, and can't imagine how the author felt. After some digging around though, I found a blog the author contributes on and kept checking back for any updates.

Well.... are you ready....

Turns out as of yesterday some good news popped up. An update from the author shows that not only did that book get picked up, but two others from the same series are going for the ride too! I'm super excited! Wait maybe I should tell you all the books name now. The book is called How to Lose a Demon in 10 Days by Saranna DeWylde.  Congrats Saranna on all your hard work! Can't wait for the books to come out and my bumper sticker lol.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Very First Blog Ever!

When I started JC I also started a journal. While writing my journal part of me wondered if maybe starting a blog would be better. I'm nervous of putting myself 'out there' but also would love feedback along the way. Part of me wants to share and part of me wants to hide. If I've learned anything this far though, it's that by sharing you also open yourself up to learn along the way. I've been participating in the JC forums and found out how much putting yourself 'out there' can help.

I started JC on September 15 2010, weighing 232.5 lbs(my all time high) and set a goal weight of 150 lbs(plus 10-20 lbs more once I get there). I've since been on this plan for almost 5 weeks, my 5th weigh-in is tomorrow, and have lost 10.9lbs and 14 inches total.

I also want to use this blog as a place to ramble about other things such as books and any other interests. Or I might just end up using this as a place to vent and share some laughs.
Well that's all for today, I will post my results from tomorrow's weigh-in next.

Weight Loss Ticker