Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5th Weigh-In, and New Books for Me.

So first a update on my weigh-in today. I wasn't expecting much of a loss today, I wasn't good with doing my exercises and its my 'special time'. Happily I still lost 1.4lbs and had a good talk with my JCC( Jenny Craig Consultant). We talked mostly about this realization I had earlier today. Before coming into the center I went to deposit a check at my bank, there is also a Subway right next to it. After I was done at the bank and got back into my car I ended up face to face with the Subway right in front of me. Now pre-diet I would have popped right in and got a footlong without even thinking about it because it was there. Today however I thought to myself "I could go in and get a sub, but I'm not really hungry and I don't really need it." That might not sound like a big deal, but it is! She was very proud of me for realizing this and told me I was doing good if my mindset is already like this.

On to book news! I placed an order online at Chapters for the Nice Girls Don't series(there's three books in total) written by Molly Harper. I can't wait to start reading again. Also I ordered 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle, according to everyone on the JC forums it's a very good read for helping aid weight loss. Should be receiving my books by the end of next week, hopefully.

One last bit of new's that makes me happy.


After reading the description I was hooked. I got all set to pre-order only to find out that it was no longer going to be published. I was upset, and can't imagine how the author felt. After some digging around though, I found a blog the author contributes on and kept checking back for any updates.

Well.... are you ready....

Turns out as of yesterday some good news popped up. An update from the author shows that not only did that book get picked up, but two others from the same series are going for the ride too! I'm super excited! Wait maybe I should tell you all the books name now. The book is called How to Lose a Demon in 10 Days by Saranna DeWylde.  Congrats Saranna on all your hard work! Can't wait for the books to come out and my bumper sticker lol.


  1. *squee* It always makes me smile to see my book mentioned. Thank you! You're a doll. You're bumper sticker will be in the mail tomorrow. :)

    Now, congrats to you for all of *your* hard work. It's so awesome that you're getting healthy. The book that helped me the most was The Truth About Beauty by Kat James. It helped me discover I had a food allergy and since I've been eating accordingly, I've lost 40 pounds. It's hard, but when you start to feel good, it gets easier. So, keep up the good work. You'll get there!

    And that Nice Girls series looks really good! I'll have to add that to my TBR list too.

    Have a fab week!

  2. Aww Saranna thanks for the encouragement your so sweet too. Congrats on your weight loss of 40lbs!

    I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into these books(lame joke I know). Thanks for the book recommendation too, I'll be sure to check it out.


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