Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Days 11, 12, and 13

I've been really busy the last three days. I have been reading my chapters but didn't have time to write anything about them. I personally don't have much to say regarding each chapter either, so I'm going to do one post for them all.

Chapter 11 is called Two Purposes of Food. Basically stating that food should either be eaten for fuel or to appreciate flavors. If your not eating for fuel or tasting the flavor, your most likely emotional eating. When I think back to my old eating habits, every time I was emotional eating I didn't care what it was as long as I could get it fast.

Chapter 12 is called Fuel or Filler. Talks about the fuel you put in your body and how you need quality fuel. Quality fuel gives your body the nutrients it needs. Filler is something that adds calories but not much else.

Chapter 13 is called Oops I Forgot to Eat. A lot of people (I was one of them) think if you skip meals you lose weight. Another belief is if you don't eat all day you can over eat at dinner and it still works out to be the same. Well it doesn't, your body thinks it's starving and starts to hold on to fat to be used later. You may eat the same amount of calories but you need to space out your meals to keep your metabolism up.

The exercises for all three were similar, to write down what you ate and when. Since all my meals are planned out on JC, I skipped them. Got my weight-in tomorrow, so gotta get my menu all set. Ciao for now.

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