Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 3 Do it Anyway

Pretty straight forward exercise today. Your supposed to make a list of things your going to do today, no matter how you feel. This also builds on the interested vs committed topic of yesterday. I'm kinda having a hard time thinking of ideas though. Besides eating on plan and doing my exercises, can't think of anything else really.

Something that happened to make me really happy today. I was trying to find a certain shirt to wear but couldn't find it. I was looking through my closet and saw a shirt I bought 4 months ago that didn't fit at all (was really tight and there was no way to pass it off). I don't know why, but I had this urge to try it on and 'see' my progress. Well it now fits perfectly, I can sit down and everything without it stretching at the buttons. I came down wearing the shirt and even my mom mentioned that it fits now. Happy day! Nothing like seeing results.


  1. Cool, I'm on day 7 :) If you want to join our thread on the JC forums, it's under October 2010 Starters. :) (I can't remember what your JC name is so I'm not sure if you've already joined us!)

  2. Thanks Andrea. My JC name is the same as this one. I'll definitely take a look at it.


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