Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Little Bump

So I came back from my weigh-in today (#7) and had a little gain of 0.4lbs. Was a little disappointing but this is the first gain I've ever had, so I'm taking it in strides. I've had a hectic week, not enough sleep. I'm very particular about my sleep. I get super cranky if someone wakes me up rudely or if I'm startled awake. What ended up happening this week? I got a call Sunday night at 11pm by my little brothers friends, he had too much to drink and it ended up falling to big sister to get him. I still ended up going to work that day (which means getting up at 3am to get ready for work). Tuesday and Wednesday I ended up again having to drive little bro to work at 2am and 3am. So tired.....but he totally owes me now haha.

Not much going on besides the lack of sleep...Ohh wait, I did join a little challenge to lose 15lbs by New Years. Hopefully the goal will help with holiday temptations.


  1. Sleep can really derail weight loss efforts. Missing that much sleep frequently would definitely explain the little gain. Keep on chugging! You're doing great! :)

  2. Thanks Andrea! I have a feeling that was also part of not losing this week. Next week will be much better.


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