Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 10 Appreciate Good Support

Guess what the chapter today is about?? Yep more support talk. The topic today however talks about responding to compliments and not asking questions that put people in a tight spot.

Responding to compliments sounds straight forward, but after reading this I learned what I was saying isn't the best way to answer.  When someone compliments you on your weight loss do you say something like..."Thanks, but I still have a lot to lose." I used to say that. What your actually doing is minimizing their compliments so it doesn't mean much. This does two things. First your putting yourself down by not acknowledging your own efforts. Second your making the other persons effort to support you seem like it doesn't matter. Next time someone gives you a compliment just say thanks, and tell them you appreciate them noticing.

Something else you shouldn't do, is avoid asking those close to you questions that are tricky. For example "Does this dress make me look fat?" Either answer could get your support team in trouble (say yes and it's discouraging, say no and their lying) and you don't want to lose your support.

Not really an exercise to do today. Your asked to get someone to give you a compliment, then reply in a positive way. In your book(or blog/diary) write down your favorite responses. I'm going to skip this one, a little late in the night to be asking people for compliments haha.

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