Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weigh-in 8 Plus Measurements

So just updating my results toady. Lost 1.8 lbs and lost 4 inches total! Final numbers after two months on JC are 16.1lbs lost, current weight at 216.4lbs, and 18.4 inches gone. I'm pretty happy with the results, I feel like I could have done better though. I might need to add to my exercise routine, I think I could have lost more inches. JC measures your bust, abdomen, waist, and hips. So total lost is everything that I lost in all areas.

It's getting colder and I need to get some warmer clothes to wear when I go for walks. Thing is I don't want to buy any clothes until I really have too... Maybe I'll borrow something from my brothers. Next post will be about day 7 from 100 Days.


Weight Loss Ticker